

Professor Xin Ye's Research Team





    Introduction of the Team Leader

      Prof. Xin Ye obtained his bachelor degree in traffic civil engineering from Tongji University in 2000, and was awarded master and Ph.D. degrees in Transportation Engineering from University of South Florida in 2004 and 2006. During 2007-2011, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Arizona State University and University of Maryland. During 2011-2014, he taught as an assistant professor at Civil Engineering Department of Cal Poly Pomona. For years, he has been dedicated into research on travel behavior analysis and demand modeling methods. His major achievements include proposing joint modeling methods for activity and travel decision variables, time allocation behavior and population synthesis algorithm, etc. In 2012, he and his colleagues won Pyke Johnson Award from Transportation Research Board for an outstanding paper in transportation system planning and administration. He published more than 20 research papers in ISTTT series books and leading SCI/SSCI international journals. The citation number is more than 700 according to scholar.google.com. During the period of 2010-2016, he has served as a member of TRB Committee on Traveler Behavior and Values (ADB10). He currently chairs the Transportation Planning Section of World Transportation Conference (WTC), serves as a member in the editorial board of the Journal of Transportation Letters and IATSS Research, a member of IATBR. In 2013, he was selected into the national ""Thousand-Young-Talent"" program of China. He is now serving as a PI of a general project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a ""High-Mountain"" program supported by Shanghai Commission of Education and a Co-PI of a key project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.



Copyright@2017  叶昕教授课题组  同济大学交通运输工程学院

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