

              Professor Xin Ye's Research Team



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1. Tiaprasert, K., Y. Zhang, C. Aswakul, J.  Jiao and X. Ye (2017). Closed-Form Multiclass Cell Transmission Model Enhanced  with Overtaking Lane-Changing, and First-In First-Out Properties.  Transportation Research Part C, forthcoming. (SCI)

2. Wang, Y., B. Wu, Z.  Dong and X. Ye (2016). A Joint Modeling Analysis of Passengers’ Intercity  Travel Destination and Mode Choices in Yangtze River Delta Megaregion of China.  Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016. (SCI)

3. Wang Y., T.F. Welch,  B. Wu, X. Ye and F.W. Ducca (2016). Impact of Transit-Oriented Development  Policy Scenarios on Travel Demand Measures of Mode Share, Trip Distance and  Highway Usage in Maryland, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 20(3), pp.  1006-1016. (SCI)

4. Gan,  H. and X. Ye (2015). Whether to Enter Expressway or Not? The Impact of New Variable  Message Sign Information. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 49(2), pp.  267-278. (SCI)

5. Ye, X., W. Cheng and X. Jia (2012).  Synthetic Environment to Evaluate Alternative  Trip Distribution Models. Transportation Research Record, Journal of  Transportation Research Board, 2302, National Research Council, Washington,  D.C., pp. 111-120. (SCI)

6. Ye, X. (2011).  Investigation of Underlying Distributional  Assumption in Nested Logit Model Using Copula-based Simulation and Numerical  Approximation. Transportation Research Record, Journal of Transportation  Research Board, 2254, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 36-43.  (SCI)

7. Konduri, K., X. Ye and R.M. Pendyala  (2011). Joint Model of Vehicle Type Choice and Tour Length.  Transportation Research Record, Journal of  Transportation Research Board, 2255, National Research Council, Washington,  D.C., pp. 28-37. (SCI)

8. Ye, X. (2010). Accelerated Procedure of  Multiclass Highway Traffic Assignment for Maryland Statewide Transportation Model. Transportation Research Record,  Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2176, National Research Council,  Washington, D.C., pp. 84-91. (SCI)

9. Ye, X. and R.M. Pendyala (2009). A  Probit-based Joint Discrete-Continuous Model System: Analyzing Relationship  between Timing and Duration of Maintenance Activities. Transportation and Traffic Theory, 18, pp. 403-423.

10. Ye, X., K. Konduri, R. Pendyala, and B.  Sana (2009). Formulation of an Activity-Based Utility Measure of Time Use:  Application to Understanding Influence of Constraints. Transportation Research  Record 2135, Journal of Transportation Research Board, National Research  Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 60-68. (SCI)

11. Ye, X., R.M. Pendyala, and G. Gottardi  (2007). An Exploration of the Relationship between Mode Choice and Complexity  of Trip Chaining Patterns. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 41(1),  pp. 96-113. (SCI)

12. Banerjee, A., X. Ye, and R.M. Pendyala  (2007). Understanding Travel Time Expenditures around the World: Exploring the  Notion of a Travel Time Frontier. Transportation, 34(1), pp. 51-65. (SCI)

13. Ye, X. and R.M. Pendyala (2005). A Model  of Daily Time Use Allocation Using Fractional Logit Methodology. Transportation  and Traffic Theory, 16, pp. 507-524.




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